martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

Tango as it is popularly known, it is understood as a dance of passion and sensuality; but there are aspects to it that are hardly explored, and that show you how rich and and deep this dance can be, and how much it can do to improve people's lives.
Some of these aspects are:

  •  Helps create social links
  •  Improves body awareness,  motor skills and coordination
  •  Develops musicality
  •  Increases self-esteem
  •  Encourages communication
  •  It allows to carry out a non-aggressive physical activity for the body, enabling people of all ages to practice it
  •  In addition, studies have demonstrated that the Tango as a physical activity helps prevent cardiovascular disease 

In 2009, Argentine Tango has been included by UNESCO in the Intangible Cultural Heritage list, and through that, and the popularity that nowadays ballroom dancing has, we believe it is the ideal time to bring this dance into the lives of everyone who might be interested in learning a new skill that is not only physical but also inherently social.

We are both professional dancers and teachers with many years of experience, teaching at different levels and in various locations around the world, and know not only the then about responsibility behind proper group management when teaching and/or performing,  but also how to transmit the many good qualities that this dance has, which be applied to many fields outside of tha dance alone.
On the other side, we are people who are passionate about tango,  and have seen what this dance can communicate to people; ourselves have experienced that feeling, and still  do at every opportunity we have.

In this blog we are including some of  the different packs that we are offering at the moment,. We hope that you find one that captures your interest!


 Classic: two sets show with a break
 Premium: group lesson for guests + two set show with break
 Elite:  three set show with two couples and a break
 Elite Plus: group lesson fos guests + three set show with two couples


The Classic Pack includes a two-set tango show with one dancing couple, each set consisting of three tangos. The first set introduces you to traditional style tango, danced in a close embrace and with lots of playfulness; the second set  is more about a passionate and sophisticated type of tango. Between the two sets there is a 15 minute break, in which the artists will change their outfits.

On the Classic show you will enjoy the three genres that compose Argentine Tango: tango, vals and milonga.

Duration: 45 minutes aprox.*


The Premium pack includes a group tango lesson for the guests, in which they will learn basics steps of this dance; this way they will have a first hand taste of tango, not only by dancing, but also enjoying themselves in the social enviroment that this dance can create.

After the lesson they will be offered the Classic show as described above.

Duration:  120 minutes aprox.*


The Elite pack consists of a one hour long show of two couples, performing both individually and in a group.

On the first half of the show, you will see not only tango as it is traditionally danced, but also how it is developed in a social enviroment in a number dramatized by the dancers; on the second half the show turns modern and sexy, with agile and flirty moves.

Duration: 60 minutes aprox.*

Elite Plus

The Elite Plus pack includes a group tango lesson for the guests, in which they will learn basics steps of this dance; this way they will have a first hand taste of tango, not only by dancing, but also enjoying themselves in the social enviroment that this dance can create.

After the lesson, the Elite show will be presented as described above.
Duration: 140 minutes aprox. *

* All durations include breaks



 Private lessons
 Group lessons
 Wedding dance lessons

Private lessons

Private lessons are thought for those who want to start to learn this dance, but want to feel more secure before starting group lessons, or for those who already dance but prefer to have their skills polished on an individual level.

They can only be scheduled in advance, and with location to be determined by both parties (teacher and student)

Duration: 60 minutes

Group lessons

Group lessons are they way in which most people start learning tango, not only it allows them to progress quicker in their learning by having a regular class every week (it helps them build up their dancing skills), but also because it is a way to meet others and enjoy themselves in a group.

In group lessons the emphasis is done not only on the dance steps, but also in the musicality and in the communication between dancing partners.

Group lessons are held weekly,on a fixed location. No pre-booking neccesary, although it is reccomended to be as (constant) as possible, since that helps both the person and the class to advance steadily on their learning, therefore making the experience more pleasant.

Duration: 75 minutes

At the present moment we are teaching group lessons at RADA Studios, 18 Chenies Street WC1E 7PA; for more information about current group lessons or workshops, check our Calendar:


Workshops are lessons focused on one especific trait of the dance, like the embrace, the walk, turns , etc. They are for those who already have a basic knowledge of tango and want to improve that particular aspect of their the dance, or learn new ways of making those moves work.

Workshops are usually in the same location as the group lessons, and pre booking is mandatory.

Duration: 120 minutes

Wedding Dance lessons

The wedding dance lessons are thought for those who want to do something different for that nerve wracking first dance. This is a series of private lessons that will give you the steps and the confidence to dance the tango at your wedding.

After going through some of the basic principles, you will learn a short choreography that can easily be repeated in different ways. The tango is ideal for weddings, as it combines sexiness and intimacy, and can be also used on other type of celebrations.

As this are private lessons, they are scheduled in advance, and on a location to be determined by all parties.

Duration: Four or more (depending on the client) 60 minute private lessons.



Corporate Event Silver
Corporate Event Gold
Corporate Event Platinum
Corporate Workshops

Argentine Tango can not only be a fantastic ice breaker for corporate events, but also a great tool to use in workshops to bring out the best of the individuals and encourage teamwork.

We think that tango can be a good and novel idea for your events, creating a perfect enviroment for the exchange of ideas and networking. 

Corporate Event Silver

Includes an introductory show and a short class with practice time. A good pack if you are interested in a new way to make small groups know each other and work together. 

Duration: 1:30 hours

Corporate Event Gold

Includes an introductory show, a short class with practice time, and after a break a 15' show with one couple. Works for small reunions or cocktail meetings with an extra flair.

Duration: 2 hours 

Corporate Event Platinum

Includes an introductory show, a short class with practice time, and after a break, a tango show with two tango couples.  Ideal for special occasions like Christmas dinners, retirement parties, etc,

Duration: 2:30 hours

Corporate workshops

In the corporate workshops we tailor our argentine tango classes to the especific needs of groups of people. They can be designed to encourage leadership, communication, teamwork, creativity or any other trait that you want to bring out on your colleagues.

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